Friday, March 1, 2013


The last 13 months have been one crazed out ride. 
The emotional roller coaster & newfound understanding of self has been enough 2 blow a gasket. 

That's just how life works I suppose. 

Without such there's no growth...but dayum! 

This education on life has been extremely invaluable & what some would say eye opening. 

Whew!...Man I wouldn't take any of it back even if I could.....ok, ok...maybe just a bit. lol

It's great 2 know someone who's critically conscious as Lady T. who has the ability 2 identify habits & patterns of behavior.  

Makes me wonder if I would've ever noticed
 any of it alone. 
Chances are....I wouldn't.

I'm speaking more so about the power of mood. An extremely powerful emotion that can dictate the moment & determine life's 
decisions from day 2 day. 

Knowing that, the importance 2 manage such a thing has become priority #1. 

It can either make or break & that's a chance I'm just not looking 2 take. 

Yep!'s a bitch. 
A bitch I'm willing 2 handle. 
(he, he, he)

Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

1 comment:

  1. And this is why a partnership is invaluable--without trying they stretch us and help us grow. LOL With or without our permission? Matters not--our job is to love 'em like we've always wanted TO love... You just keep lovin'.

    I adore the video--it's amazing how the moods read so different on each person.
